Coding for the first time

Luis Penaloza
3 min readNov 3, 2020

Starting a new path as a Software Engineer in a fast-paced program like Flatiron can be a little intimidating at first. A little intimidating is definitely an understatement. Anyways, now that I’m already in this predicament, I would say it’s been a total roller coaster and it has had its ups and downs. Well, mainly downs, but we are getting there! If I knew what I would experience up until now in the past, I’d tell myself to be prepared, don’t procrastinate, and keep myself on track.

When I first began, I thought things were going fine, although I admit that I was having a rough time teaching myself the concepts. As I kept going, I would like to say that it got easier, but it really didn’t! I just told myself to keep going and to trust the process. I know that what I explained made my experience seem bad, but it’s not really that terrible. I have learned a lot from the readings and different concepts I learned, such as the basics and fundamental of ruby and that lead up creating a whole project in a matter of weeks. I also met some really great people in my little groups every week and they have helped me a lot along the way as well! I’m not going to lie, some classmates scared me at first because they seemed so good at coding while I was just a noob, but I came to realize that there were still plenty of other people going at the same rate I was at too.

At first, I was confused as to why we had feelings Friday because it seemed like a therapy session to me which was peculiar to me in a software engineering course. However, I quickly realize it was there for a reason as I found out it wasn’t just me who was struggling every day because of the coding labs. With this coding program, don’t feel as though you have to be tough on yourself because I guarantee you that there are many other students who are in the same position as you, hence the need for feelings Friday. The instructors are also very generous and helpful in not just assisting you in your labs, but also help you feel mentally better. Now you don’t have to struggle every day, just occasionally!

Jokes aside, I have learned so much information in just a short span of time. While it has been exceptionally taxing on my mental and physical health, it has made me really grateful that I have such great instructors and other classmates by my side to prop me up when I am feeling like a plastic bag drifting through the wind, sad and frustrated. I hope to learn a lot more during this course, and hopefully I’ll be able to gain god-tier coding skills by the end of this program!

